Monday, February 8, 2010

Inspired a shared vision..

After watching Martin Luther Kings speech for the millionth time, and i dont say that in a bad way but im saying that because i never get tired of watching it and what you get from his ability to inspire a vision of getting freedom at a time where there was no light of viewing that vision. What it takes to inspire a vision is to be confident, if you want your followers to work for something you have to believe yourself that it can and will happen and thats what King did when he had speeches. What it takes to inspire a vision is intellegence also, in Kings case it was knowledge of the constitution and what it reads. I think of most a leader has to have that confidence to inspire a vision because that confidence not only attracted black followers for King but also caucasions.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Modeling the way..

Modeling the way.. to me means how it sounds. To model the way is to show others that your actions speak louder than your words. A leader takes two commitments, by paper, when they model the way. The first commitment is clarifying your values and finding shared values with those in your group so that way you can interact with those you are around, you can show that you care and are connected by the both of you having the same values. To model the way to me means that me as a leader want to bring my group to the highlest level of greatness because im great, i want greatness out of my group, for those who watch me to seek to be greater.

Already stated above, what i can do as a leader is just connect with my peers, my "followers" show dedication to them. For one to show they care is a way of connecting because if they see you putting forth effort a relationship can be built easier. As a leader modeling the way I have to show strength, i have to show what i want from them by my actions more than speaking.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


"No creature can fly with just one wing. Gifted leadership occurs where heart and head – feeling and thought – meet. These are the two wings that allow a leader to soar."

What I get from this quote is, to be a successful leader one must have balance of emotion and intelligence. How we express this in class is EQ and IQ. To have a better understanding of EQ its the field of the heart.. the emotional relationsh you have with that field and teh people in the field youre working with. To have passion for what you do and experience in that field and not let one override the other is how you could be the "gifted leader" Goleman speaks of. You need both of those wings.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stanley "Tookie" Williams

Stanley Williams is no longer with us for things need not to be discussed but what he did before his death is whats most important. What I chose Mr. Williams for is his ability to inspire a vision, a quality of a leader we've discussed in our leadership course. Found in the ling below theres a interview of why he inspires a vision. Mr. Williams wrote anti-gang and drug books for the youth and he was capable to inpsire because of his credibility achieved in his past, or younger days. You can also say Stanley had empathy to know whats going on in the world with the upcoming generation and knowing he had to address it, he know first hand what these kids were going through so he could empathize. Watching the video interview below shows you who he was and what he did touching questions that you might have if you were to interview him. So with the leadership spotlight pointed on him i felt Stanley Williams took advantage, and did something quite positive with his 15 minutes of fame.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Miquel Lewis

Without the opportunity to interview someone like Lebron James i felt my uncle Miquel Lewis is just as great of an interviewee. With that said these are responses of a leader i decided to ask my uncle, and these are his answers.

1. A leader must be passionate, he cant let his followers "see him sweat". You're followers pick up your confidence it ties in to what people say about one rubbing on on another. Always be positive, in public.

2. I take on each day as a mission to do better or do more than what I did yesterday, always out do yourself.. set the bar higher. To learn something new everyday.

3. In pieces, usually the hard task first because I know if I can get that done when I move down toward the less difficult challenges they wont faze me, ill be prepared.


5. Well first I would tell him, pick up traits from those you admire, learn from their mistakes but dont do as they do. You have to be your own person, your own man if you want to become a leader.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Personal Credo


To the left lies a picture of Dr. Orsak, a visiting leader to our leadership class who among others helped me in shaping my credo, he was the factor that helped me "keep it simple" yet still mean so much. Im an athlete and often i heard the phrase "go make a play" from my coaches I knew what it meant as soon as he said it, and people always said that sports teaches you ways to deal with life, but until this visit by Dr. Orsak I've never thought to apply that phrase to how i get things done in my life off the field.
Just make a play means do you, get things done the way you know how, often people stress or lose confidence when it comes to a new challenge the phrase strikes the competitor in me to take that new challenge on without any nerves.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Me I Always Wanted to Be..

As a tribute to myself I want people to be able to tell endless stories of their relationship with me, or even encounters. As a human being and as a leader there are going to be people that don’t agree with me or don’t like me but what I want is for more people to like me rather than dislike me.

What are your greatest gifts?

My greatest gifts, to start, I have the gift to make someone smile, at least, but often laugh. The gift to make someone I feel is one of my greatest and cherished gifts, laughter creates memories.
A gift of mine is the ability to learn on the move, everyone wants to be prepared before they are challenged but I don’t mind going into the fire if I’m going to come out with a win.
I can watch and learn with sports and in life. If someone better does it, I can imitate with intentions of doing it better.

What ideals or beliefs do you stand for?

I stand for education, knowledge is my strongest belief.
Family first, I love my family and that plays a role in my motivation.

What are you passionate about?

. I'm passionate about being an honest man. I'm passionate about football. When people don't believe you they don't believe in you, my name is everything. I want to be on whatever road that leads me to Success Avenue.
I'm passionate about life.